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您所在的位置是: 首页 » 新闻资讯 » 行业新闻 » 紧急预警!盐田港集卡拥堵,仅接收ETB-4天内的出口重箱!


返回列表来源:广州鸿德国际货运代理 发布日期: 2022.01.21 浏览:15



盐田港 提柜 提重柜 集装箱 码头




We are now under the peak season before the Chinese New Year, YANTIAN keeps operating with full gear to ensure the terminal operation running smoothly. However due to there is no improvement of the overseas ports congestion, in the past 2 weeks, the vessels schedule delayed over 170 hours in average, with the vessel arrived on time ratio less than 20%, the number of the arrival of vessels (mainly on US and EU service) has dropped sharply by over 40%.
Under such circumstance, there are many laden boxes stuck inside the terminal and the yard density close to full scenario. To ensure the high efficiency of operation and ease the traffic pressure outside around the terminal, YANTIAN will take following measures for the export laden boxes gate-in:
1.    Starting from 00:00 on January 21, 2022, YANTIAN will only receive export laden containers with vessel ETB-4 (Estimated Time of Berthing: within 4 days).
2.    The laden gate-in quota still maintain at 12,000 as usual.

YANTIAN will continue to keep close communication and coordination with government, shipping carriers and relevant associations. Please stay tuned for latest information in our official WeChat account and website. 


本文标签:盐田港 提柜 提重柜 集装箱 码头 上一篇:最高罚款30W!2个集装箱危险品瞒报被查获,货主涉嫌谎报被立案调查! 下一篇:突发!MSC无限期暂停该国公路、铁路和驳船装箱和预堆垛等多式联运业务